Do Bedbugs Die in Winter?

Do Bedbugs Die in Winter?

Do Bedbugs Die in Winter?

I am asked regularly if Bedbugs are killed by our cooler temperatures during winter here in Australia and the hard truth of this is that they have not been killed and are not normally in diapause during the winter months, especially when inside, they are just less active in some circumstances and less likely to want a meal if they have been feed recently. They will quite happily hide away for months until the temperature picks back up again which will drive the feeding season. If you have had a Bedbug problem and you think that you have resolved this in the late months of Autumn, it’s likely that you haven’t resolved the issue just yet, your Bedbug collection is just hiding somewhere around the corner waiting for an appropriate time to come and feed again. If you run your central heating or fireplace during the winter months and the climate in your house or hotel is favourable for Bedbugs you will likely not see any change in their activity. It’s important to be vigilant and keep an eye out for Bedbugs all year round even though their activity is not as raging as it is during the hot summer months.