

Hey there! If you need to return something, no worries! Our return policy is good for 30 days, and our warranty period is ten years on most items *excluding electrical. If it's been more than 30 days since your purchase, we won't be able to give you a refund or exchange, unfortunately.

To get a return happening, your item should be unused and in the same condition as when you got it. Keep it in the original, sealed, unopened packaging, just like when it arrived. It's against our health regulations here in Australia to on-sell open or used bed linen or bed bug traps and detectors for hygiene reasons. It's even more critical for our business that items have not left their packaging as some of our customers are dealing with Bed Bugs, Bird Lice, Scabies and other highly transmissible’ pests, which is why we have such a firm policy here. For warranty repairs, your item must be washed and dried before sending it to us to be inspected. 

To avoid an awkward conversation with your refund or exchange, please don't try and re-package an item and return this to us.  Our products are machine folded and won’t go back into the packaging the same way without machine folding again.     

When we receive your return and inspect the item to ensure it has not left its packaging, we'll email you to confirm we have received it. We'll also let you know if your refund or exchange has been approved. If it's all good, we'll process the refund and credit it back to your credit card or the original payment method. Simple as that. We do make this simple for any returns that meet the criteria. 

If your refund seems to be taking its time, here's what you can do. First, double-check your bank account, just in case it slipped in there without you noticing. If it's still a no-show, contact your payment provider. Sometimes, it takes a bit of time for the refund to show up officially. And hey, don't forget to give your bank a heads-up too. They might need some processing time on their end. If you've done all that and the refund is still nowhere to be found, no worries—just email us at, and we'll figure it out together.

Now, when it comes to exchanges, we're here to help if your item is defective or damaged, which does happen on occasion, we are quick to own our problems and resolve these at our own cost. If you have received a defective item, please contact us before sending an item back with some details and photos of the defect. Within 30 days, we accept exchanges for unopened items in their original packaging. We want to make sure you're happy with your purchase! Oh, and there's one more thing you should know: restocking fees. As a wholesaler we price our items at the lowest possible price from the outset. As we need to cover our time and effort to process a return, there is a $14.95 restocking fee per order. That helps us unpack your item and ensure it's unused, has not been opened and is ready to be entered back into our system. This also covers us handling all the paperwork for the return. We're working hard to keep things running smoothly!

When sending your product back to us for a return or an exchange. Remember that you'll be responsible for the return shipping costs. For warranty returns, when you return an item, please include a pre-paid, pre-addressed shipping satchel and label for us to return your repaired item to you when repaired. The time it takes for your items to reach us may vary depending on your location. To play it safe, consider using a trackable shipping service or adding some shipping insurance. We can't guarantee we'll receive your returned item if you don't use a signature service.

Along with your return, please complete this form below and include a printout with your item/s. We hope that clears things up. If you have any other questions or need further help, feel free to reach out. We're here to assist. 

The Bed Bug Wholesale Team. 

Returns Form Download

Click or Scan Image For Returns Form